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技术编号:2980119 阅读:145 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Wireless temperature sensor

A wireless temperature sensor is composed of a shell, a circuit board, antenna, thermal pad, a temperature sensing element, button cell and the bottom cover of the closed cylindrical structure, the antenna is composed of two parts and, in one end of the antenna is connected on the circuit board, the other end is connected with the external antenna, external antenna protection corrosion insulation sleeve, heat conducting pad is connected with the bottom cover, the bottom of the thermal pad is a plane, the upper end is a concave arc surface, the temperature sensing element is placed in the circular plane. Because the outer shell and the bottom cover are made of corrosion resistant stainless steel material, the exterior of the outer antenna is provided with corrosion resistant insulating material. Therefore, it has the characteristics of good heat resistance and corrosion resistance.





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