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技术编号:2790527 阅读:170 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Full automatic water supply device for flame-proof trough level in coal mine

The utility model relates to a full automatic water supply device for a flameproof underwater tank level in a coal mine, which relates to a water tank, a liquid level sensor, a pressure sensor, a water supply pipeline, an electric ball valve, a relay and a programmable controller. A pressure sensor is arranged in each water tank, and a liquid level sensor is arranged at the side of each water tank and is connected with the display through a wire. An electric ball valve is arranged on the water supply pipe for connecting each set of water tanks to control the water supply to the water tank at any time. Pressure sensor, liquid level sensor and electric valve, through their respective relay through wires connected with the programmable controller, which can be processed on the information terminal information program controller, according to the procedures set by the startup and shutdown operation, ensure the normal level in the water tank to ensure that at the same time, according to the actual the need for spray dust. The utility model can ensure the water level of the underground water trough of the coal mine to be kept automatically, in particular, the utility model has the advantages of simple integral structure and convenient operation and use.





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