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技术编号:2787042 阅读:200 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Water level automatic control device for water tower

The utility model belongs to an automatic control device for water tower level, from low level, high liquid level floating floating bottle 17a bottle 17, floating bottle pull 16 lever 15, spring 14, 19 switch cable, a pulley 20, a protecting box 1. Level float bottles 17a and 17 contain water. When the water level of the water tower is lower than that of the low level floating bottle 17a, because of the gravity action of the two floating bottles, the lever 15 is pulled down at one end, the other end is upwards, and the pull wire 19 is led, the power is switched on, and the water pump 21 works. When the water level of the water tower is higher than the floating bottle 17 with high liquid level, one end of the lever 15 is connected upwards with the liquid level floating bottle, and the other end is downward, pulling the pull wire 19, the power is disconnected, and the water pump stops working. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, small size, low cost, automatic operation and no energy requirement; the utility model has the advantages of no need of human operation, automatic water supply and no water supply after installation, and is convenient and reliable in use. The utility model is also suitable for various water tanks, water tanks, sinks, etc., which can not control the liquid level conveniently because of the limitation of position and condition.





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