
技术编号:2783545 阅读:154 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Supplementary water supply controller and system and method for supplementing trunk water supply

Prior to connecting to the channel (14) on the main water supply from municipal water for example, the controller (10) is connected to the channel (18) from the rain water supplement for example from the water supply to the water outlet (22). If sufficient water is not available, the trunk water flows through the passage (14), bypassing the baffle (36) and reaching the exit (22). If you have enough to meet the need of additional water, then pump start, adding water in the channel (18) in the pressure increases to a threshold level above the threshold level in place, can overcome the main pressure to move the piston (28) to seal against the valve seat (34) and stop the mains for water, to supplement water to the a one-way valve (42) flow to the outlet (22). The piston (28) in the low end with high pressure ratio (28a) at the end of a larger effective area (28b), which is used to move the piston (28) to prevent the main water supply channel (16) of the water level is less than the threshold pressure pressure lines. If adequate water is not available, or if the water pump fails or fails, supply mains water, otherwise supply supplementary water.


一种补充供水控制器,该控制器包括:外壳,该外壳限定出第一流动通道,该第一流动通道具有可连接到干线供水上的入口;第二流动通道,该第二流动通道具有可连接到压力小于干线供水压力的补充供水上的入口;用于每个通道的出口,所述出口可连接到供水导 管上;和通道之间的开口;及活塞,该活塞安装用于在所述开口中移动,使得活塞的第一和第二相对末端分别暴露到所述第一和第二通道的入口的压力下;其中,通过抵靠由外壳限定的阀座进行密封,活塞在其第一末端处适合防止沿着第一通道的流动;并 且其中,活塞在第二末端处的有效表面积超过其在第一末端处的有效面积,从而当活塞的第一和第二末端处的所述面积之比小于第二和第一通道的入口处的压力之比时,活塞移动以提供抵靠阀座的密封。



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