
技术编号:20500527 阅读:56 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-03 04:16

An IP Address Allocation Method and Device

An IP address allocation method and device is used to solve the problem that the control surface network element in the prior art can not determine which terminal device allocates IP address information in the process of IP address allocation. In this method, after determining the identity of the terminal device, the core network control surface element in the mobile communication network assigns IP address information to the terminal device corresponding to the identity of the terminal device, that is, after the core network control surface element assigns the IP address information, the corresponding relationship between the IP address information and the identity of the terminal device can be determined. Therefore, the core network can accurately assign IP addresses to the terminal devices, and further can control the policy according to the IP addresses of the terminal devices so that the terminal devices can access the external data network.





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