
技术编号:20499665 阅读:25 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-03 03:18

A 3D Printing Method, Device and Equipment

This paper provides a method, device and device for 3D printing, which can improve the efficiency of 3D printing modeling and printing. The method includes: acquiring the object model with block as the basic unit and taking block as the size cube, transforming the object model with block as the basic unit into a 3D print file, and sending the 3D print file to a 3D printer for printing. The 3D object model is based on the block as the basic unit. Because the block is a volume particle, the 3D printing process is equivalent to printing the block as the basic 3D pixels. It is not necessary to consider whether the current model is suitable for 3D printing in the process of converting the 3D model into the 3D printing file. Therefore, the 3D printing method can save the calculation amount in the calculation process of the 3D printing file and thus can improve it. 3-D printing efficiency, improve the printing success rate.





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