
技术编号:20291452 阅读:20 留言:0更新日期:2019-02-10 21:23

A Method, Equipment and Network System for Data Transmission

A method, device and network system for data transmission, which relates to the field of wireless communication technology, is used to solve the problem that the carrying capacity of the current equipment itself restricts the data transmission service greatly. The method includes: the control surface device obtains the quality of service (QOS) required by data transmission service, and the capability information of at least two user-surface devices controlled by the control surface device for data transmission; after determining that the terminal and user-surface devices need to establish data transmission service, one of the at least two user-surface devices is selected to satisfy data transmission service. The user-facing device of required QoS and the bearing of data transmission service are built on the selected user-facing device. This technical scheme reduces the possibility of data transmission constraints due to the ability of the device to transmit data due to the separation of the control surface device and the user surface device and the multiple user surface devices.





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