
技术编号:19248713 阅读:20 留言:0更新日期:2018-10-24 10:27

Handover method and device for sub frame configuration

The invention provides a switching method and device for sub-frame configuration, relating to the communication field, for switching sub-frame configuration, which can greatly reduce the impact of sub-frame configuration switching on terminal services, thereby improving the service experience of the terminal. The base station determines that the sub-frame configuration of the cell needs to be changed from the first configuration to the second configuration, and notifies the terminal of the cell of the sub-frame configuration change; the base station transmits the second configuration to the terminal of the cell when the first long-term expires after the notification; and the base station transmits the said second configuration to the terminal of the cell; and the base station transmits the said cell when the notification expires. When the second time period after the second configuration expires, the second configuration takes effect, wherein, within the first time period, the base station does not schedule new transmission of terminals within the cell, and the base station does not schedule terminals within the cell during the second time period.





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