
技术编号:18580394 阅读:20 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-01 14:45

Data recovery method and storage device

A data recovery method and storage device for improving data recovery efficiency. The method includes: the first physical address (108) of the data block included by the receiving server; the recovery snapshot is found according to the first physical address of the data block included in the recovery file, according to the first physical address of the modified data block recorded in the recovery snapshot and the modified data block in the resource volume. Second the corresponding relationship between the physical address and the second physical address of the modified data block in the resource volume in the pending file. The recovery snapshot is the snapshot volume (110) used to restore the recovered file, and the second physical address in the resource volume of the modified data block in the recovery file is restored to be restored in the source volume. Document (111).





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