
技术编号:18580225 阅读:25 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-01 14:43

Three dimensional gesture unlocking method, method for obtaining gesture image and terminal device

The application provides a three-dimensional gesture unlocking method, a method for obtaining a gesture image and a terminal device. The method of unlocking the three-dimensional gesture includes obtaining the current gesture image of the user; obtaining the contour data of the current gesture in the current gesture image based on the current gesture image; determining the fingertip pixel point of the current gesture and / or the point pixel of the current gesture according to the profile data of the current gesture; The point of the finger tip of the front gesture and / or the point of the finger root of the current gesture to determine the characteristic data of the current gesture; unlock the terminal device when the feature data of the present gesture is matched successfully with the feature data of the presupposed gesture. The three-dimensional gesture unlocking method according to the embodiment of the application provides a new interesting, high accuracy and fast unlocking method for users.





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