
技术编号:18122756 阅读:40 留言:0更新日期:2018-06-06 02:09

Medium mobile thermal insulation bucket

The medium movable heat preservation barrel is a kind of military food packaging technology. It meets the needs of people's life to a certain extent. It includes bucket body, barrel cover, bucket body handle, barrel cover handle, air vent valve, buckle, walking wheel, seal strip and stainless steel barrel. The bucket body and barrel cover are connected by the buckle. A bucket body is connected with a bucket body on one side of the barrel body, four walking wheels are installed at the bottom end of the barrel body, and a bucket body is mounted on both sides of the top of the barrel body, and the four sides of the barrel body are provided with a reinforcing rib; the upper middle of the barrel cover is connected with a bucket cover handle; a air vent valve and a foaming hole are arranged on both sides of the barrel cover; one side of the barrel cover is provided with a air vent valve and a foaming hole. One side of the barrel cover is provided with a air vent valve and a foaming hole. One side of the barrel cover is provided with a air vent valve and a foaming hole. One side of the barrel cover is provided with a air vent valve and a foaming hole. One side of the barrel cover is installed on one side of the barrel cover. A sealing strip is embedded in the barrel cover, and the stainless steel barrel is positioned in the barrel body, and the stainless steel bucket is a vertical parallelepiped.





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