
技术编号:17963087 阅读:21 留言:0更新日期:2018-05-16 06:53

A port matching method and device

The invention provides a port matching method and device. The method includes: the head end device HEE sends the first pilot parameter, the first scanning parameter and the starting scan command to the N tail end device TEE; the first pilot parameter includes the first pilot frequency, and the first pilot frequency corresponding to each TEE is not the same; the first scanning parameter includes the first scan step and the first scanning range; n As a positive integer; HEE receives the first scanning light signal sent by the m TEE in the n TEE in the first scanning parameter, in which the first scanning light signal transmitted by each TEE in the m TEE contains information of the first pilot frequency of each of the TEE; m is less than or equal to the positive integer of the N; HEE is true according to the first scanning light signal. It is determined whether the transmitting wavelength of the first TEE matches the target wavelength channel; when the first TEE is present, a stop scan command is sent to the first TEE.





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