
技术编号:17310721 阅读:54 留言:0更新日期:2018-02-19 11:08

A load balancing method and device

The embodiment of the invention provides a load balancing method and device, wherein the method comprises the following steps: when the user equipment UE in the same frequency double connected region, sent to the UE dual link instruction, the double connection instruction is used for indicating the UE Acer station and associated with the Acer station target small base station connected at the same time to the same frequency double connection region coverage area on the target of expansion small base station area; according to the position information of the UE signal strength is determined by the target of small base stations of the UE measurement, and according to the position information for the UE distribution service station. The embodiment of the invention can be flexible and fast to adjust the load in the heterogeneous network, balance the load in the heterogeneous network, and improve the utilization of the small base station.





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