
技术编号:17145622 阅读:22 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-27 17:09

An information transmission device, method and system

The disclosure relates to the field of wireless communication technology, in particular to information transmission device, method and system, which solves the problem of large data transmission delay caused by delayed feedback of uplink control. In one embodiment of a communication device in the processing module is used to determine the service area of the frame structure; frame structure, a wireless frame includes at least a first sub frame, the first sub frame comprises a first part, as for the downlink symbol; the second part is the protection time of GP; the third part is for the uplink transmission symbols, including uplink transmission for transmitting uplink control information; transceiver module for service cell according to the structure of the frame processing module determines the sending and receiving information in the service area. Because the third part is used for uplink control information transmission, so that the uplink control information feedback can also be carried out in sub frames for downlink transmission, thus solving the problem of larger data transmission delay caused by upstream control information feedback.





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