
技术编号:16936083 阅读:43 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 06:39

Methods, devices and systems for transmitting information in power communication systems

An embodiment of the invention discloses a method, a device and a system for transmitting information in an electric power communication system. The method for power communication system, using at least two frequency bands for wireless communication in the frequency range of at least two different authorization, the method includes: according to the relationship between the type of information to be sent information and the information type and frequency, determine the target band from the at least two bands; stay send a message by sending the target band. This method can make the authorized frequency of the selected target bands adapt to the information type or urgency degree of the information to be sent, so that it can flexibly deal with the transmission requirements of different information types, and improve the performance of the power communication system.





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