
技术编号:16935842 阅读:24 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 06:22

A signal processing method, node and device

The invention discloses a method of signal processing, which is suitable for the field of communication technology. The method comprises: receiving the optical signal, the optical signal into electrical signals, and then converted to digital signals; the left and right with pilot extracted from the digital signal, power calculation on the left with the pilot power and right with the pilot, according to the power of the pilot and the left and right with the pilot and the calculated phase information; optical signal will be inserted into the phase information to be sent, sent by the insertion of the light signal phase information. The embodiment of the invention by the pilot, and then take the pilot power through power function calculation on the left with the pilot power and the right, according to the power of the pilot and the left and right with the pilot and calculate the phase information, the phase information can reflect the second the node transmission signal frequency offset, the second node can accurately adjust the frequency of the transmitted signal.





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