
技术编号:15555040 阅读:91 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-08 15:54

Lithotomy balloon for biliary tract

A bile duct stone with balloon balloon, including interface (1), (2) and balloon sheath (3), the sheath (2) attached to the proximal end of the balloon interface (1), the sheath (2) distal sleeved outside the balloon (3). The sheath (2) in the set of the balloon (3) is provided with a hole; the balloon (3) the two ends fixed on the sheath (2) on the outer side wall of the balloon (3) between the two ends of the balloon (3) is the effective part of filling the balloon (3), the effective filling part is radial retractable, and the balloon (3) is in the radial dimension after filling (D) is greater than the axial dimension (H) flat. The use of biliary stone balloon can reduce the friction resistance when in use, but also easy to remove sand like stones, which can shorten the operation time, reduce the pain of patients; reply structure by setting the balloon (4), can adjust the balloon (3) in response to the contraction of recovery speed, solve the balloon (3) filling after the fast speed of response.





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