
技术编号:15530709 阅读:254 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 17:44

Optical time domain reflectometer and method for detecting optical fiber

The invention relates to an optical time domain reflectometer and a method for detecting the optical fiber, relating to the field of optical communication, which can reduce the influence of the service signal on the correlation of the PN code sequence and improve the detection precision of the optical time domain reflectometer. Optical time domain reflectometer comprises a service signal generator (10), and business signal generator (10) signal coupler connection (20), and a signal coupler (20) connected to the electro-optic modulator (30), and (30) electro-optic modulator (40) connected to the transmitter, and the transmitter (40) connected with the photoelectric detector (50), and a photoelectric detector (50) connected with the analog-to-digital converter (60), optical time domain reflectometer also includes a signal generator and business (10), signal coupler (20) and analog-to-digital converter (60) are connected to the digital signal processor (70), used to generate the compensation data and the PN code sequence sampling send and receive signal analog-to-digital converter, according to the compensation data, PN code sequence and signal sampling, calculation of the first optical fiber function.





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