
技术编号:15295581 阅读:95 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-11 12:56

Data transmission method, device and system

The invention relates to a data transmission method, a device and a system thereof, which are used to solve the transmission mechanism of the transmission time interval TTI based on 1 sub frames or the transmission mechanism of the TTI based on the 1ms, which can not meet the requirements of the user service delay. In a base station provided by the embodiment of the invention, processing module for determining data transmission resources, the data transmission resources for short TTI data transmission resources, the TTI data transmission resources in the time domain is less than 1 or less than the length of the sub frame 1ms; transceiver module used to send the DCI terminal equipment. The DCI is used to indicate the data transmission resources; and the use of the data resource and the terminal equipment for data transmission. Because the data transmission resources are short TTI data transmission resources, the transmission time interval is shortened, and the scheduling time can be increased for a terminal device.

一种<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/62/201580047223.html" title="一种数据传输方法、装置及系统原文来自X技术">数据传输方法、装置及系统</a>




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