
技术编号:15079601 阅读:47 留言:0更新日期:2017-04-07 12:12

Method for solving key loss and Bluetooth low power consumption remote controller

The embodiment of the invention discloses a method for solving low power Bluetooth and Bluetooth remote control button missing low power remote control, used to send the first key operation keys to the corresponding user controlled equipment, avoid the user first key operation delay or loss, improve the performance of human-computer interaction of Bluetooth remote controller. The method of the embodiment comprises a predetermined distance whether BLT remote detection of user access to the BLT remote control within a predetermined distance when determining the user enters the BLT remote control, Bluetooth link between the BLT controller and the controlled device is disconnected, the BLT controller built with the controlled Bluetooth the link between devices, when the BLT controller receives the key operation of the user, through the Bluetooth link established, sending the key operation received the keys to determine the controlled equipment.





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