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技术编号:1456401 阅读:206 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40
本发明专利技术公开了一种同步厌氧脱氮除硫工艺。以城市污水处理厂的厌氧消化污泥或含硫酸盐有机废水处理厂的厌氧活性污泥作为接种物,将硫化物氧化成单质硫,同时将亚硝酸盐还原成氮气。亚硝酸盐与硫化物浓度为20~2270mg  N/L和30~1920mg  S/L,摩尔比为0.5~4.0,反应温度为20~35℃,pH值为6~9,水力停留时间为0.08~2.0d。本发明专利技术的优点是:1)以亚硝酸盐作为电子受体,硫化物作为电子供体,实现氮硫两种污染物的同时去除;2)无需供氧,避免了曝气所致的硫化氢对周围空气的污染,并节省充氧能耗;3)可以回收利用单质硫,实现废物资源化;4)能处理的亚硝酸盐浓度高达2270mg  N/L,硫化物浓度高达1920mg  S/L,亚硝酸盐容积去除负荷高达32.62kg  N/(m↑[3].d),硫化物容积去除负荷高达27.64kg  S/(m↑[3].d)。

Synchronous anaerobic denitrification and sulfur removal process

The invention discloses a synchronous anaerobic nitrogen removal and sulfur removal process. The anaerobic digestion sludge of municipal wastewater treatment plant or anaerobic activated sludge from sulfate containing organic wastewater treatment plant were used as inoculum to oxidize sulfide into elemental sulfur, and nitrite was reduced to nitrogen. Nitrite and sulfide concentration is 20 ~ 2270mg and 30 ~ N / L 1920mg S / L molar ratio of 0.5 to 4, the reaction temperature is 20 to 35 DEG C, the pH value is 6 ~ 9, hydraulic retention time is 0.08 ~ 2.0d. The advantages of the invention are: 1) using nitrite as electron acceptor, sulfide as electron donor, removal of nitrogen and sulfur of two kinds of pollutants at the same time; 2) without oxygen, avoid the pollution caused by hydrogen sulfide aeration to the surrounding air, and save oxygen consumption; 3) can be recovered by using elemental sulfur, and waste resources; 4) the concentration of nitrite can handle up to 2270mg N / L, S / 1920mg sulfide concentration is as high as L, nitrite removal load up to 32.62kg / N (M = 3.D), sulfide removal load up to 27.64kg / S (M = 3.D).





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