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技术编号:1456389 阅读:180 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Two stage adsorption process for treating benzidine production wastewater and resource recovery method

The present invention discloses a two stage adsorption process for treating benzidine production wastewater and resource recovery method. The benzidine wastewater pH value to 4 - 7, adsorption treatment and recovery of o-chloroaniline through the first section of composite resin adsorption effluent pH and then transferred to 7 - 10, was dealt by second sections of composite resin after the treatment of COD can be reduced to 500mg / L, o-chloroaniline content less than 5mg / L. The first composite functional resin can be completely desorbed by HCl aqueous solution, and the high concentration desorption solution can be recovered by neutralization in NaOH water solution to recover ortho chloro aniline with purity as high as 98%. The second stage composite functional resin is regenerated by the same method, and the high concentration desorption liquid can be used for preparing the first resin stripping agent. Cut the organic pollutants of wastewater discharged into the environment, the removal rate of COD was 91%, the removal rate of organic pollutants is more than 98%, while achieving the recycling of organic pollutants using, has significant economic value and environmental benefits in the production control of benzidine wastewater pollution.


一种两段吸附法处理联苯胺生产废水及资源回收的方法,其步骤包括:(A)联苯胺生产废水进入第一段树脂吸附塔前,调整pH值为4~7;废水从第一段吸附塔出来后进入第二段树脂吸附塔前调整pH值为7~10;(B)将废水经pH调整后分别以 1~5BV/h和5~15BV/h的流量通过两段树脂吸附塔;(C)用脱附剂将吸附了邻氯苯胺的吸附树脂进行脱附再生。



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