
技术编号:14185587 阅读:119 留言:0更新日期:2016-12-14 16:18

Forwarding method of internet protocol message, mobile gateway and wireless network controller

The invention provides a method for forwarding internet protocol messages, a mobile gateway and a wireless network controller. The method includes: a first message sent by the first mobile gateway receives the SNC; among them, the first message is used to indicate the first mobile gateway receives the first IP message is routed to the first node, the first IP message includes an identifier of UE mobile terminal; the first mobile gateway according to the first message received the first IP message is routed to the first routing node. The method provided by the embodiment of the invention, the first message sent by the SNC to make UE roaming from one network to another network, the mobile gateway on another network can be based on the first message will be the first IP message is forwarded to the first routing node, routing node first through the first IP message routing to UE; also, so that UE can permanently configure a fixed IP address, convenient for addressing mobile terminal.





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