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技术编号:13219798 阅读:34 留言:0更新日期:2016-05-13 00:27

Road information receiving system and receiving method

The present invention provides a road information receiving system and receiving method, including the command and control unit also includes road information server unit, a vehicle unit and the vehicle unit comprises an information receiving device, processor, vehicle positioning device and an output device, the traffic lights state through the road information server unit to launch or transmission of information receiving device receives information, vehicle positioning device detect vehicle movement direction, the direction of the signal processor according to the state data of the direction in which the signal lamp state signal selection, and the state, through the output device transfer to the driver for its reference junction state, in the face of the front the influence of bad weather conditions, occlusion watch signal ahead, or the driver is blind, dyschromatopsia etc., The utility model can accurately obtain the image and / or the voice prompt through the output device, so that the vehicle can be safely and quickly stopped by the intersection or in time according to the state of the signal lamp.





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