
技术编号:8937277 阅读:130 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 06:57

Device and method for general information sharing of strip

The invention discloses a method and a device for sharing information in a video coding system. According to an embodiment of the invention uses information sharing mark to decide whether or not to share the image level in loop filter information. The information sharing flag can be incorporated into the sequence level, image level, or band level to indicate whether or not to allow information sharing. Multiple information sharing flags can also be used to adaptively control information sharing. In addition, a method and apparatus for the use of multiple adaptive parameter sets (APS) for the sharing of information within the loop filter are disclosed. The APS identifier of the in band filter can be incorporated in the header to allow each of the inner ring filters to select respective filtering information from a plurality of APS. Merge flags into SPS to indicate whether to use multiple APS or single APS. Various sample syntax designs are disclosed to describe information sharing.





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