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技术编号:6081253 阅读:213 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Navigation device for cutting femoral cavity operation by marrow cavity file

A navigation device for cutting femoral intramedullary reamer cavity operation, including the acquisition unit (1), the central control unit (2), a display unit (3), (4), a keyboard button positioning plate (5) and the probe (6); the central control unit (2) are respectively connected with the acquisition unit (3) and a display unit (3) and button keyboard (4) connected to the central control unit (2) controls the acquisition unit (1) sampling point location information and calculate the cutting guide way; the positioning plate (5) is provided with three sampling points (501, 502, 503), a top three sampling points the point of a right triangle; the back end of the probe (6) (12) two sampling points with the center line (1201, 1202); Intramedullary reamer beating puller rod (15) is provided with the center line of the two sampling points (1501, 1502). The device can determine the relation between the central line of the femoral medullary cavity and the central line of the cutting guide path of the medullary cavity file, so as to improve the success rate of the implantation of the femoral stem prosthesis.





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