
技术编号:6075064 阅读:266 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Space-based routing forwarding platform and space-based routing switching system

The invention discloses a space-based routing forwarding platform and a space-based routing switching system. The forwarding platform includes a frame control module for frame relay module report frame processing and return to the frame forwarding module; frame forwarding module, including: the upper interface unit, and the control module is connected with the frame frame interaction; two layer interface unit for connecting frame forwarding between the physical layer and the upper interface processing board in the three layer forwarding unit; interface unit for connecting frame forwarding between other forwarding platform and the interface unit; the clock management unit, unit, and the upper interface layer two forwarding interface unit and three layer forwarding interface unit is respectively connected with local driving clock, and forwarding platform set on the synchronous clock input port connected with the synchronous clock output port for receiving and processing the synchronous clock. The invention realizes the unified realization of the frame forwarding module of each unit board, and can greatly improve the stability of the system.





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