
技术编号:6068983 阅读:593 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Prediction method for shaft power of industrial extraction condensing steam turbine

A prediction method for the industrial extraction condensing steam turbine shaft power, this method is a thermodynamic model to extraction condensing steam turbine as the foundation, considering the actual industrial application process, the steam turbine by environmental temperature, cooling water flow and temperature, and the influence of many other unknown factors, according to the actual industrial data, the introduction of the cooling water quality, steam quality of main steam, influence of steam extraction pressure and other parameters on the condensing steam turbine steam and exhaust steam quality, using neural network regression method, obtained the actual condenser pressure extraction condensing steam turbine in industrial application and steam temperature, then by the IAPWS-IF97 industrial standard of water and steam is calculated by the actual extraction turbine steam and exhaust steam enthalpy value, then the application of thermodynamic methods, the actual calculation of steam turbine shaft Power output. It avoids the direct estimation of isentropic efficiency of steam turbine, and improves the prediction accuracy of shaft power in industrial application of steam turbine. It provides the basis and basis for the optimization and reconstruction of utility system.





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