
技术编号:6057596 阅读:162 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and apparatus for establishing two-way real person relationship in network

The invention discloses a method and a device to establish a two-way relationship reality in the network, which relates to the technical field of data services, provides a new effective method to establish two-way relationship between reality, avoiding the user harassment, reduces the complexity of client operation, easy to use. The method of the invention comprises: receiving and their communication to save the A client and the B client to send the recorded information; the A user mail list information and B user mail list information, to determine whether the A user B user mail list information in contact at the same time B users to A users in the mail list the contacts, if not, the end of the operation; if so, sent to the trusted network service mutual contact status indication information, to make the network service, A client and B client according to mutual contact status indication information, established between A and B users friends, to establish complete two-way relationship reality.





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