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技术编号:6052664 阅读:321 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Message transmission system using publish and subscribe mechanism

The present invention relates to a messaging system using a publish and subscribe mechanism. The messaging system can use the publish subscribe mechanism to connect nodes and transfer messages through nodes. Each node can establish a connection to another node, and the subscription request and publication notification can be passed across nodes to establish the path of the message. When a message is published, messages can be passed through the active connections that they subscribe to. When a message is passed between nodes, a path identifier is added to the message, and the path identifier can be used by the subscriber node to identify the received information. When a subscription notification is removed, the path can be deconstructed across multiple nodes. Nodes can be arranged so that each node is agnostic relative to any node that is connected to it and allows any node to subscribe to any information published in the network.





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