
技术编号:6046714 阅读:363 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Routing method and device based on tree type wireless sensor network and sensor device

The invention discloses a tree wireless sensor network routing method and device and sensor device based on this method, according to the advance of each sensor node in the tree in the network level and layer position, distribution of short address for the sensor node, the routing method comprises: a short message to be sent to the address according to the query target sensor the query node; pre established neighbor table, short address of each neighbor node to obtain the current sensor nodes; on the basis of the short short address address each neighbor node and the target sensor nodes, the basic routing calculate for each neighbor node to the target sensor node hops; each of the basic routing according to the calculated the number of hops, select the next hop node from the neighbor node, forwards the packet to the next hop node. The method of the invention can improve the routing transmission efficiency of the sensor node in the process of packet forwarding.


一种基于树形无线传感器网络的路由方法,其特征在于,预先根据各个传感器节点在树形网络中所处的层次以及层内位置,为传感器节点分配短地址,所述路由方法包括:  根据待发送的报文查询目标传感器节点的短地址;  查询预先建立的邻居表,获取当前传感器节点的各个邻居节点的短地址;  依据所述各个邻居节点的短地址和所述目标传感器节点的短地址,分别计算各个邻居节点到目标传感器节点的基本路由跳数;  根据所述计算得到的各个基本路由跳数,从所述邻居节点中选择下一跳节点,将所述报文转发到所述下一跳节点。



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