
技术编号:6043370 阅读:211 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Combination type pressure switch and electric pressure cooker using the same

The present invention relates to a combined type electric pressure cooker pressure switch and application of the switch, the combined type pressure switch comprises a switch base and the switch seat arranged in the same level of two or more than two of the pressure control switch and at least one touch pressure switch touch shrapnel. Due to the combined pressure switch is arranged in the electric pressure cooker, the pressure and the combination type pressure switch control switch is provided in the same level, the arm of force through the formation of different pressure on the corresponding reed and different pressure. Compared with the prior art, the pressure setting and the accuracy of the adjustment are higher. Therefore, compared with the existing technology of the present invention not only realizes the high and low pressure cooking control, to meet the different needs of cooking effect, and the combined type pressure switch has the advantages of compact structure, convenient installation and debugging, reduce the manufacturing process, reduce the cost of the process.





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