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技术编号:2982400 阅读:146 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Integrated power measurement and control device

The utility model discloses an integrated power control device, which is characterized in that the device chassis height is 2U, the width is 19 inches, half the height of the existing control device; it can collect the scene controlled AC voltage signal and AC current signal and switch signal, active power and reactive power calculation and a high degree of functional integration; the utility model is also provided with a CAN bus communication interface and 485 bus communication interface, can realize the network control and real-time data transmission through CAN bus and 485 bus parameters; and through the large LCD display and a plurality of LED lights display control device working state and measurement. The utility model has the advantages of collecting signal, high system integration; small size; communication mode, can realize the network control, real-time transmission of data, the system response performance, high reliability and good performance of human-computer interaction.


一种综合电力测控装置,它由机箱、设置在机箱表面的开关量输入端子、开关量输出端子和安装在机箱内的控制电路构成,其特征在于:    所述机箱的高度为2U,宽度为19英寸;    在所述机箱的表面还设有交流电压输入端子和交流电流输入端子;    所述控制电路为基于DSP微处理器芯片的控制电路,它由交流信号采集电路、模拟信号处理电路、A/D转换电路、开关量输入电路、开关量输出电路、基于DSP技术的微处理器芯片和电源电路构成;    交流信号采集电路的信号输入端与设置在机箱表面的交流电压输入端子和交流电流输入端子相连,交流信号采集电路的信号输出端与模拟信号处理电路的模拟信号输入端相连,模拟信号处理电路的模拟信号输出端与A/D转换电路的模拟信号输入端相连,其数字信号输出端与微处理器芯片的一组I/O口相连;    开关量输入电路的信号输入端与设置在机箱表面的开关量输入端子相连,其信号输出端通过光耦隔离电路与基于DSP技术的微处理器的另一组I/O口相连;    基于DSP技术的微处理器的又一组I/O口通过光耦隔离电路与开关量输出电路的控制信号输入端相连,开关量输出电路的控制信号输出端与设置在机箱表面的开关量输出端子相连,输出控制信号。...



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