
技术编号:22568729 阅读:36 留言:0更新日期:2019-11-16 13:40

Determination method and device of CT system parameters

A method and device for determining CT system parameters (1140) relates to the technical field of computer imaging, including: controlling a module (m) with a first plane (A1) and a second plane (B1) perpendicular to each other, moving between the detection plane (y) of the X-ray source (01) and the detector (02), and acquiring the X-ray projection (301) of the module (m) on the detection plane (y) during the moving process, wherein the module (m) moves too much In the process, the first plane (A1) and the second plane (B1) are always perpendicular to the detection surface (y); the first straight line (Lu) and the second straight line (LV) (302) are determined according to the obtained X-ray projection; the intersection point (o ') of the first straight line (Lu) and the second straight line (LV) is determined as the perpendicular coordinate (303) of the focus (s) of the X-ray source (01) on the detection surface (y), and the CT system parameters include the perpendicular coordinate. The method solves the problem of complex manufacturing process of module (m), simplifies the manufacturing process of module (m), and is used to determine the parameters of CT system.





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