
技术编号:20628784 阅读:43 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-20 18:20

A Signal Correction Method and Signal Correction System

The embodiment of this application provides a signal correction method and a signal correction system for dynamic gain compensation of the modulated signal at the post-link stage, so that the power of the modulated signal can satisfy the working power of the envelope detector, thus ensuring that the envelope detector can continue to work normally, thus realizing the orthogonal unbalance correction of the modulated signal. The technical scheme provided by the embodiment of this application is as follows: the signal correction system compensates the first modulation signal by amplifying the power of the modulation signal to obtain the second modulation signal, and the power of the second modulation signal satisfies the working power of the first envelope geophone; the signal correction system collects the amplitude-phase imbalance and DC imbalance of the indication modulation signal and the mirror signal of the modulation signal. The first envelope information of the spatial leakage information of local oscillator signal and the first envelope information of the local oscillator signal are calculated by the signal correction system, and the orthogonal unbalance correction coefficient is used by the signal correction system to correct the modulated signal.





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