
技术编号:20499235 阅读:25 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-03 02:50

Panoramic Induction Device

A panoramic sensing device includes a Fresnel lens system (110) and a light sensing device (120). The Fresnel lens system (110) comprises a compound Fresnel lens (111) with a cone shape. At least one of the inner and outer surfaces of the side wall of the cone is a tooth surface, and at least two Fresnel elements are distributed on the tooth surface. The optical induction device (120) is used to induce light convergent through the Fresnel lens system (110). Because a compound Fresnel lens with a cone shape is used to sense the boundary of the detection range, under the same lens area as a whole, a larger detection range can be obtained, or light energy from all directions can be collected. Compared with the composite Fresnel refraction surface on spherical or spherical polyhedron, the processing difficulty of the composite Fresnel refraction surface on the side wall of cone table is reduced, and the precision and the excellent rate are improved accordingly.





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