
技术编号:17960422 阅读:30 留言:0更新日期:2018-05-16 05:42

The method and terminal of the picture display

A screen display method and terminal, which includes: obtaining the picture data information of the first frame and the second picture frame, the first frame and the second frame are the own display frame (S210) displayed on the terminal, and the first picture is determined according to the first picture frame and the picture data information of the second frame. The plane frame and the second frame of the second frame distinguish the location information of the picture area, which indicates the picture area (S220) corresponding to the different picture data information between the first frame and the second frame, and determines the display screen according to the position information of the difference drawing area between the first frame and the second frame. A refresh area of the frame, the refresh area of the display frame is a local display area (S230) for the display frame, and the refresh area (S240) of the frame is drawn and displayed. The method and terminal displayed in the picture can save power consumption.





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