
技术编号:17352102 阅读:37 留言:0更新日期:2018-02-25 22:44

A method and device for data writing

A method and device for writing data, which belongs to the field of computer technology. The method includes: when the detected electronic equipment working mode switch, determine the working mode of electronic equipment at present, work mode includes a standby mode and operation mode; (501) according to the working mode of electronic equipment and the corresponding relationship between the pre stored non volatile memory NVM data to determine the target data parameters. The working mode of electronic equipment corresponding to current writing parameters, the data in the standby mode corresponding to the data write write parameters to the NVM data in the NVM to keep longer than that in the operation mode corresponding to the parameter data is written to write data into the NVM data in NVM keep long (502); write parameters to target data and the writing data to be written into the NVM (503). Using the method described, the power consumption of NVM can be reduced.





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