
技术编号:17310708 阅读:60 留言:0更新日期:2018-02-19 11:07

Methods, access points and sites for transmitting channel state information

An embodiment of the invention provides a method, an access point and a site for transmitting channel state information. Feedback indication message, high efficiency training sequence and resource scheduling method includes receiving the news site sent by the access point, and when it is determined that belongs to the target site, communication resources through resource scheduling message indicating the feedback confirmation message to the access point. Feedback indication message for at least two STA indicates the need to AP the feedback of channel state information, high efficiency training sequence is used to determine the channel state information STA. The embodiment of the invention can feedback the confirmation message to the access point, so that it can avoid the waste of resources caused by some sites not supporting immediate feedback, and further improve the transmission efficiency of the channel state information.





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