
技术编号:9622139 阅读:198 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 12:17

Method and apparatus for replacing cache objects

The invention discloses a method and a device for replacing cache objects. The method includes: receiving a first cache object stored in the buffer; the number or occupation of at least one object stored in the buffer cache in the memory is the maximum, get the weight of each cache object the at least one cache object in value; according to the weight value of each slow memory object, determine the weight of the at least a cache object value second cache object minimum; will replace the second cache object saved in the buffer for the first cache object. The device comprises a receiving module, an acquisition module, a first determination module and a replacement module. Method and apparatus for replacing the cache object the embodiment of the invention, the weight of each cache object based on the value of the minimum weight value by replacing the cache object, can remove most cache objects may not be accessed, improve the hit rate of the cache, which can improve the system performance.





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