
技术编号:9620987 阅读:109 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 10:10

A method of speaker abnormal tone detection based on short time Fourier transform

The invention provides a loudspeaker abnormal sound detection method based on short time Fourier transform. The invention uses the sweep frequency signal to excite the tested loudspeaker, and acquires the sound response signal of the tested loudspeaker and carries out a short time Fourier transform to the signal so as to obtain a time frequency diagram corresponding to the signal. According to the characteristics of abnormal sound signal to the speaker time-frequency map segmentation, and each region with the standard quantization segmented time-frequency map corresponding to regional differences, and the differences in the degree of the display mode conversion, construct the abnormal sound curve. Finally, the abnormal tone curve is compared with the set threshold to determine if there is an abnormal sound in the speaker. The threshold proposed in the method is the abnormal tone curve constructed by the M difference of the maximum difference between the time-frequency spectrum of the good product and the standard time-frequency map.





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