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技术编号:9619989 阅读:70 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 08:30

Energy storage peaking wind power generation charging switch

In 2011, the phenomenon of power rationing was serious in China. As many as 584 wind farms, the average rate of abandoned air was 15%, and the direct economic losses were close to tens of billions of yuan. Experts pointed out that: wind power stability, controllability is poor, for the power grid is inferior energy, to the smooth operation of the grid brings problems, have to abandon the wind. Therefore, it is necessary to change the mode of wind power development in order to become a strong wind power market. Peak wind power charging plug storage, it can be very convenient to local consumption of wind power grid, solve the problem of wind power, it through the [2] and [1] propeller windmill generator connected to generate electricity, then through the transmission and load conversion controller [3], AC / DC power converter [4], [6] battery energy storage. For storage in the electricity peak trough, boosting output [5] and charger cord plug for electric vehicle charging directly. The market space is huge, and it is the best wind energy utilization device, so as to achieve the purpose of using wind energy effectively and reducing the cost of wind power.





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