
技术编号:9615299 阅读:142 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 01:40

Multi color bottom line automatic replacing device for computer embroidery machine

Automatic replacement device of computer embroidery machine with multi line, the device is provided with a transmission belt, a parallel guide rail and a limiting plate on the mounting substrate above the vertical, rotary spindle box is provided with a rotating shuttle box seat is fixed on the embroidery machine body, a shuttle core mobile access mechanism, are respectively connected by sliding position with the guide pulley fitted, through the spindle limiting plate and the transmission belt is fixedly connected, connected by a limiting shaft wheel and a limiting plate is provided with a left side contact; spindle mechanism, the spindle pulley seat is provided with an air feeding spindle pulley and the upper and lower driving mechanism, equipped with a split machine spindle pulley spindle for row. Send the shuttle seat through the pulley block is fixed on the mounting substrate installation. This device has the advantages of simple structure, can make the spare bobbin transfer smoothly and correctly placed into the shuttle box, and can fully meet the needs of more than ten kinds of colors to match with multicolor double-sided embroidery of the variety of color line replacement requirements, to further improve the production efficiency of equipment and improve product quality.

中国专利技术专利公报公开的一种梭芯自动交换装置,其【专利技术者】梁国杰 申请人:佛山市启创科技发展有限公司




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