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技术编号:8945169 阅读:269 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-21 18:56

Electrolytic water hydrogen collection device and solar hydrogen storage

The utility model relates to a water electrolysis hydrogen collection device and use this device of solar hydrogen storage water electrolysis hydrogen collection device, which comprises a hydrogen gas balance release, oxyhydrogen gas balance release with hydrogen and hydrogen, oxygen import export import and export in the oxygen gas, oxyhydrogen gas balance release within an agreement the oxygen outlet float, releasing device inside the upper and a gas separator in oxyhydrogen gas through the hydrogen balance on both sides of the inlet, a hydrogen outlet and an oxygen inlet, an oxygen outlet are respectively located at the gas separator, the hydrogen outlet pressure of the valve is also connected to the first hydrogen storage bottle of imported solar hydrogen production. Memory, these devices installed water electrolysis hydrogen collection device has the advantages of simple structure, no supercharging device will be able to collect a certain pressure The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, and the ability to collect a certain pressure hydrogen without using a pressurizing device.





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