
技术编号:8937301 阅读:135 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 06:59

Communication apparatus and method

Communication device for transmitting data through mobile radio network. The communication device includes a transmitter and a receiver unit, via the wireless access interface to and / or from the mobile radio network to transmit data, and the module for storing the mobile radio network for the identification of the communication device, which stores the information in the module including and provided for each communication device the communication device in the group shared the same identifier, the common identifier is used to establish a communication session, the communication session can be used to or from any of the relevant data transmitted by the communication device. For example, a set of communication devices may be used to perform machine type communication (MTC) for specific applications, such as being placed in a vehicle, such as an automobile. Therefore, due to the spatial proximity of each communication device, the communication device can receive the control surface signaling data and therefore the communication of the signaling data is similar to that of the local environment of the communication device group. Therefore, the communication bandwidth is saved in proportion to the number of devices in the group.





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