
技术编号:8928089 阅读:224 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:54

Energy metering wireless transceiver device based on CC1120

The utility model discloses a wireless receiving and transmitting device for energy metering based on CC1120, which relates to the field of RF circuit design. The utility model has the advantages of the Internet of things based on CC1120 energy measurement device includes a wireless transceiver chip CC1120, LDO power supply circuit, the power supply circuit of LDO CC1120 chip power supply; the CC1120 chip is connected with a clock circuit; the CC1120 chip LNA-N pin, LNA-P pin and TRX-SW pin and the PA pin is connected with the receiving / transmitting link through and the receiving / transmitting link common RF input / output port is connected with the TVS tube; the CC1120 chip, the LDO power supply circuit, the clock circuit and the receiving / transmitting link are installed on the same piece of PCB board. Because the utility model adopts the scheme of four layer PCB layout in the Internet of things energy measurement wireless transceiver device based on CC1120, the device is more stable in the process of use, and ensures the reliability of the system.





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