
技术编号:6092104 阅读:226 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for updating WAPI authorization certificate

The invention discloses a method and a device for updating a WAPI authorization certificate, relating to the field of communication technology, which is used to solve the problem that a user terminal can not select and update an WAPI authorization certificate according to its own requirement. The method of the invention comprises: sending WAPI authorization certificate to the user terminal, and the WAPI certificate of authorization information storage, the WAPI certificate of authorization information including user identification, the user identification for whether to mark the user terminal to update the WAPI certificate of authority; query the user terminal the WAPI certificate of authorization of user identification, determine the user terminal WAPI certificate of authorization is not updated; WAPI certificate of authorization for the user terminal does not update the WAPI certificate of authorization and allows the update of the update. The invention is applicable to updating WAPI authorization certificates.





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