
技术编号:6091520 阅读:350 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Cloud measuring device and measuring method for IP network

A cloud measurement device and measurement method for a IP network having three components: a data analyzer, a measuring probe, and a load balancer. The data analyzer data recovery, load balancing, data processing, decision making and cloud computing five modules, measuring probe measurement, data acquisition, data adaptation and management of four modules, the load balancer is communication, network performance monitoring and load balancing decision module three. Measurement data of the invention uses cloud computing platform storage, to ensure the reliability of data storage and scalability, the use of cloud computing platform, the parallel processing mechanism, quick analysis and data mining of massive data. The measuring probe supports a variety of measurement algorithms and supports data collection in many formats. The measurement method provides congestion response strategies and load balancing strategies. So as to solve the problem of data storage and processing, and the reliability of data and load balance between many measuring probes and data analyzers.





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