
技术编号:6091112 阅读:242 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Full gyration variable amplitude pile driver frame and method of use thereof

The invention discloses a rotary variable pile frame and method of use, including truss, disc, the disc is divided into three layers, the middle disc disc, a lower disc, the disc can rotate, the rotation rate is 360 degrees; a round box is arranged in the middle disc, wheel box located in the inner layer of the disc on. The method of operation in use is divided into 10 steps to perform a pile driving task at once. The invention solves the crane ship used as a positioning problem of inclined pile can only play a straight pile and piling process can not play in any direction when in operation, the invention can automatically adjust the angle of the crane ship piling pile, and within the set range without moving the ship to achieve continuous play group pile, greatly improving the work efficiency.





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