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技术编号:6090757 阅读:126 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A stereo

A sound, including a tweeter, if more than one and / or a loudspeaker, inverted tube, bracket, high-frequency loudspeaker, loudspeaker, frequency and / or phase inverted tube is fixed with the bracket; intermediate frequency and / or loudspeaker corresponds to single phase inverted tube, and one end of the inverted tube if the speaker is low and / or cross section; the inverted tube is circular and axial center line smooth transition phase inverted tube; each speaker has the advantages of sound wave without mutual interference, diffraction waves are generated in the edges position phenomenon to a minimum, to achieve precise sound positioning, analytical ability, excellent sense of speed, replay bass is pure and natural, sweet treble in audition effect delicate; simple structure, the appearance of fashion, the inverted tube length can be designed according to the needs, and easy to design a phase inverted tube length adjusting mechanism, design phase The length regulating mechanism regulates the length of the inverting pipe conveniently.





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